About the Library ...

Jamestown Public Library was built in 1915 and first served as a school. It has since become a small community library designed to serve the public of Jamestown and the surrounding community. We encourage you to post your thoughts on our service and the things that we offer to the public.
Please share with us how we can become better and further serve the population. All suggestions as to materials (books, DVDs , books on tape, etc. ) that you might have are welcomed. Any ideas about events and ways that we can become a more integral part of the community.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kids and Klaus Event

Many people in the community joined us for some holiday cheer on Sunday. Check out the events we enjoyed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Storytelling Project for Jamestown Youth

“Let’s give ‘em something to talk about”…(Bonnie Rait, 1991 ).
That’s precisely the point behind a youth storytelling project underway at Millis Road Elementary and Ragsdale High schools. Hosted by the Jamestown Library and the Jamestown Historic Society, a class of fourth graders at Millis Road Elementary and Ragsdale High’s first year drama class, are learning the performing art of storytelling. Their trainers are professional storytellers providing 10-hours of instruction on how to become storytellers. A public performance at the end of the training will showcase the students’ talents to the community. Top performers will be invited to submit their videoed performances to the National Youth Storytelling competition in Pigeon Ford, Tennessee in February 2010, and to attend NC Storyfest Inc’s annual storytelling festival in High Point and Greensboro on May 21 and 22nd. The instruction is free and made possible through a grant awarded NCSI by the United Arts Council of Greater Greensboro.
The Jamestown project is spotlighting stories about historic Jamestown gleaned through interviews with Old Jamestown School alumni, descendants of the freed black Florence community and descendants of the original Quaker families that established Jamestown. Through these oral history dialogues, students will then create a dramatic persona of the person they interviewed and “tell” their memories and anecdotes to their audience.
We invite you to be in that audience supporting these Jamestown elementary children and Ragsdale High teens and their teachers who are so enthusiastically embracing this challenging project. The showcase at Millis Road is scheduled on December 9 from one to two o’clock and at the high school on an as yet to be determined day during the first week of December. We’ll keep you updated on the times and place.
Four other sites in Guilford County are participating in this same project: Win-Win Resolutions, the City Arts/Greensboro Parks & Recreation Folk Teen Center, the Vance H. Chavis Branch Library and Guilford County Schools (peer mentoring program at Penn Griffin Middle School) .
“First, catch your story. The really exciting thing is that they are all around—out there—just waiting to be caught…this “common possession of humankind…” Edie Garvey.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Story time at Jamestown Public Library

Please come and visit us on Thursdays for Storytime. At 10:30, we offer sessions for toddlers through preschool. At 3:30, we offer sessions for Kindergarten and first graders.